
“Since March 2020 when we launched Masks For America, it has been an honor and a revelation to work with Bob Bland. Her work ethic and insights are how we find ways out of no way in the midst of the worst public health crisis of our generation. Bob has the knowledge and navigational savviness about supply chains that anticipates obstacles and overcomes them, as demonstrated by the fact that her leadership of Masks For America has resulted in half a million pieces of PPE reaching workers and community organizations across the United States and Puerto Rico. She shares her perspectives and approaches freely, thus building confident teamwork and organizational capacity. Through her diligence and dedication, Bob leads by example and inspires others to persist in this work. Her warmth, candor, and sense of humor make all of our endeavors at Masks For America labors of love and hope. ”

— Dr. Sanjeev Sriram, MD, MPH | Co-Founder of Masks For America & Medicare For All Activist

“It has been my great honor and privilege to be on The Masks For America board. Bob's ability to inspire, raise money and organize distribution of PPE has been nothing short of extraordinary. When our government left our frontline healthcare workers to fend for themselves during this epic public health crisis, Bob sprung into action. Within days, she brought together a team of organizers and medical professionals, contracted with a factory to produce and ship masks, created a website and pounded the pavement to find dollars. 

As someone who recently ran for Congress, I know firsthand how hard it is to raise money, assemble teams, and stay on message. Bob does all of it exceedingly well, but more importantly, she does it with love. 

Love of people, love of equity, love of social justice. ”

— Saira Rao | Author, Racial Justice Activist + Former Congressional Candidate

“Over these past few months, I have had the privilege of watching Bob Bland step up to the plate for America during the worst public health crisis we have seen in a century. 

I joined the volunteer organization that she founded, Masks For America, and I have learned so much from her in the process. Tirelessly, she has worked to make sure as many frontline healthcare workers as possible were equipped with life-saving PPE during the COVID-19 epidemic. I’m in awe of her drive, her compassion, her dedication, her vision, and her creativity — all of which she channels into every endeavor she embarks upon. As a Black woman, I also deeply appreciate how Bob keeps an anti-oppression and anti-racist framework at the forefront of everything she does. 

Watching Bob work is amazing. She has seamlessly coordinated distribution efforts between manufacturers in China, hospital administration and frontline healthcare workers, volunteers, community organizers, and politicians like Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. She’s worked incredibly hard at getting donations, resulting in over $750K raised so far, and 500K masks distributed since March. That's just incredible.

She’s also made sure that every part of Masks for America runs smoothly, by delegating tasks efficiently and clearly communicating expectations and goals. From the manufacturing process to the social media accounts to the graphic design, Bob’s vision has guided us and her leadership has pushed us forward. Bob is an inspiring person to work with. She inspires me everyday, actually. She inspires me to think bigger, to fight for justice, and to stand up for what I believe in. She’s accomplished so much, and helped so many people. I can’t wait to see her continue this amazing work.”

— Nylah Burton | Author, Journalist & Sexual Assault Survivor Advocate